Inked Path: Where it all changed

02 Feb 2025

No Tapping

Report Booking

A clip art of Nate for the conversation

Nate: Then the next steps for the pet shop are?

Joseph: The fun of running about the cages like a ghost.

Terry: What is the meaning behind ghosts?

Nate: When there is a present unknown just outside of view. Even though the pressing eye of the unbodies is there pressing on the mind.


A brush in the hand

Amongst the frames

Where it all changed

Amongst the Frame: Whare it all Changed Comic

Reporter: While looking into the family, found that a member had gone missing. After research, the member was never found. So, Pulling the strains of the lines apart led here.  

Elder: What is the hope to be found? 

Reporter: A strain of the story that was overlooked or forgotten cause it didn't answer questions in writing or was perceived wrong. 

Elder: To understand the yarn, need a trunk for proof. 

Reporter: Oh, hi, what's the name?

 Elder: That's Steel.

Amongst the Frame: Whare it all Changed Comic

Elder: JOHN! 

John: Yes. 

Elder: The trunk that... is upstairs. Please bring it down. It will be a moment. What parts are known so far?

Amongst the Frame: Whare it all Changed Comic

 Reporter: The parts know... According to the work placed into the report, that takes the story back to about 165 years ago. The child that went missing had just got a dog named Steel. After a few days of having the dog, it was becoming more common to see a bunny and a crow around the property. The crow's caw was more like "A key" than a cawing sound.


Elder: hmm. Glad for the scarecrow, then.


Reporter: Going by the legend of the woods, the story would be a dark fairy tale. More suited to be written by a team, but never the least. On the last day, the child was seen heading into the woods. Twisting of the unseen but well-heard bang of a tree falling. Has become the most common thing to be said. A ringing slam rolled over the trees and gave swift kick air to the wind.

After the gust of air, the land fell calm, and the lines of what could have happened started. Investigations began from the wonderment of the truth. Guiding the way was a light held out with a kenspeckle shaking to be seen. Steps were given and considered measures to a certain extent. To hold whatever made the noise content. So, the truth could be seen and not speckled later.


Elder: And it is enough to give a start. Where is John?

Amongst the Frame: Whare it all Changed Comic

No, Adventure is up there.

Amongst the Frame: Whare it all Changed Comic

John: don't do it. No.


Here is the box.


Elder: Thanks for that. Find the cushion.  No, might have been shopping.

Amongst the Frame: Whare it all Changed Comic

Reporter: No, why would the name of a pet be No?


Elder: Only name that is responded to.


John: Found. Now, to clean it.


Elder: Now, for the rest of the yarn. There is a new piece or two in the box.

Amongst the Frame: Whare it all Changed Comic

Elder: ALL THE ANSWERS ARE READY TO BE ANNOUNCED!!! As the box is ready to reveal!!!  

The pieces of paper. It will help prove what happened... Then.


Amongst the Frame: Whare it all Changed Comic

The string of events started five years before the pets when Timber’s changed how to maintain the woods. Stand on the edge of the 60 acres of the woods, ax slung over the shoulder. A look of hope fills the eyes, all begun, and like anything that is built, a price of blood must come with it. It is paid with sweat and tears or just tears, regardless of the thinking mind. In those first five years of work, the woods would show what can be taken and given back and form the working of the land. A key of the work was built for the work ahead from those years.

That is when an oddness takes place, and scarecrows become an everyday accompaniment in the travels of the woods. It would seem the murder of crows had not taken a liking to the woods being maintained. It would sound like a cawing of the key to be found. That is where the story is twisted around the missing family member looked for... The crow's cawing chased the family member through the woods, not knowing it was to get to the maintenance of the woods to be gone. That action is not considered in the articles seen. Then aging is hard to believe, even if it is seen. It becomes a repressed memory in the mind. Locked up tightly and forgotten over time. Like a photo in a frame, the image is held still and not forgotten, but the other parts of the day are unlocked if the mind knows more.

It's simple to think, yet the frame is the beholder of countless things. It just needs to grab the attention long enough to take the trip. The highlight of metal is there to call out like a hand reaching out to tap the shoulder. In a moment, the frame unlocks a world if it is allowed to play the image in the right way for the mind.


Reporter: While being an odd bird, the story sounds like HPF's company history and the sales pitch to boot.


Elder: The truth that sells the work of the company. Only the crows are not placed in the lines told. On the other hand, this is a newer story to the world after it was locked away for countless years, not seen by the last six generations of the owners of the Elk Woods estate. This line was famous too, any that passed in the hollow halls of this home. So, saying a newer story may be the wrong term to say. How could the wording be put?

Amongst the Frame: Whare it all Changed Comic
The end of the posting comment shown with dusty

The Quibbles of the Scribbles

Bessie: Been a while for a lot of the comics in this week’s recapping.

Bard: Really, glad for the amount of work being placed on the new site.

Dusty: The old site was better.

Bessie: In ways, but whenever Empiric gets back it all be answered. Given the reasons for this and that.

Dusty: Not a need for reason just have to place a lot of work to get ranked. But for the readers this far it rewards.

Thanks for the time and read. Please help support the site by subscribing, sharing, liking, or commenting; it all helps. As always, grateful for the support of the work. Find more with the links below.

Co: Inked Path is a set of comic pages that will soon run everyday. Post are being worked for the week. As for the The Path is found is up and running as a gallery of the comic strip Away Forward Ink the Path. which one of the titled comics here

Away Forward Ink the Path (3)

La Tinta (1)

Used or Not (1)

Late to the Party (1)

Puzzlement (1)

The Clone Did It(2)

Amongst the frames (2)

No Tapping (1)

when all is done the gallery will act as time times for the titles.

Inked Path: The wording of things


Inked Path: A brush in the hand