Inked Path: The enmeshment String
23 Jan 2025
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Inked Path: The enmeshment String
Hosting this post is not empiric. Got to work on an answer for the readers, not the puppets.
No Tapping takes over the heading no host.
No Tapping
Report Booking
Jon: Now to build the forms needed.
Terry: Wait browse over these forms on the desk before heading back.
Jon: The reach of the store is a bit thin. The quality of the customer’s services resembled interest was not given to forms.
Terry: wanted to finish it so the last few days the store would have full attention given to making things easier.
Jon: Okay, Why would that be?
Terry: Not Going to worry about a report to the bosses if it can be as easy as detailed info to be given.
A Brush in the hand
Away Forward Ink the Path
The box is what
Jane: How is work and being a manager?
Tony: Most days are easy if looking in. The nuance of tasking to keep work flowing is complex.
Jane: Learning to bifurcate tasking… a chart helps.
Cohen: So, mind watching the booth briefly, heading to the Athenaeum?
Vandor: Sure, it will cost the of a conversation.
Tony: Having done the numbers for a research project, formerly worked in the same department, and had a few conversations,
Jane: Deeming a sound course of action. With the smashing time at the store, it was changed?
Tony: It might as well be the truth until it's otherwise told.
Cohen: It's been a while since I watched Brookuguy.
Shadow: Hey, there, Cohen. It's been a bit. How are things?
Cohen: Good, the work and the need for copier orders are piling up.
Shadow: Glad the copier here is cheap. What will be done in the meantime?
Cohen: Shipyard research.
Tony: Open the box, and let's have a look inside.
Cohen: It seems like books on mushrooms and… building fabric… And what looks to be the plans for a machine… that would… Harvest the roots and start the fabric process.
Tony: Apologies for taking the attention from… What was being looked at?
Cohen: Article of catching up.
Tony: Oh, Brokeuguy.
Cohen: Yes.
Tony: A fun one. Still, watching the blog site?
Cohen: This box would seem to be the whole plan for the project of the shoes.
Hidden and away with limited telling.
Tony: That is smart.
Cohen: Thanks the… Entente, in the future, all designs come here.
The site is being looked into but has stopped heavily, so it is not a worry.
Tony: Good, don’t mind the ladies of wind; remain quiet.
The Ladies of Wind
Lady of Wind 1: Should the starting point be the first employable action?
Lady of Wind 2: That yarn is given to joining the group. Its purpose is to open the mind. Please let it not be necessary to do so.
Lady of Wind 1: The forming at this table would make it a talk to have.
Lady of Wind 3: The line of the enmeshment wind. Clawing the ground to allow the growth of the prison is an odd yarn but known to the group.
Lady of Wind 5: Is that the… The forces of wind gathered to the mind’s zeal desired. The action needed was clear enough to be employed. And with any mind in a conciliative state, the employable action wished. Willpower is the guiding force, regardless of the corollary that shall come later. As the enmeshment took place around the desired zeal, the actions held to build into a new
Lady of Wind 5: corollary of vitriol taste in the movement.
With the hollow howl of a wolf crying out in pain. The willpower dies down, and the employable action is set to await the release. The passing days went unmarked, strengthening of vitriol taste. In the darkness, the corollary of the…
Lady of Wind 5: The first action awaited a response.
Lady of Wind 2: Yes, the yarn is known. Start the meeting. What information has been gathered by the five sitting here?
Lady of Wind 4: This tabled formed, and a yarn told in public. There is little information to go on, and this meeting may be for not. Other than bringing the reports from the officers to an end. Like the reports were silenced of the flower.
The Quibbles of the Scribbles
See, where does the comment get things, Bessie?
Not sure of the answer there Dusty. But the catch-up would answer a few questions. Where Is empiric’s Introduction?
Off week for Empiric No Tapping is on Inked Path…Yeah, a lot of work to see for the recapping of “Away Forward Ink the Path.”
Wait what of the aw…
Not saying the old site. Building a new one. Lost the title in the shifting of the comic strips, and to readers this far reward.