Inked Path: The reset is Basic.
The opening of the comic strips, weekly titled Inked Path: the reset is basic.
The quibbles of the scribbles
In a long step away the comics were rethought and the twisted line provided confusion. Though it is a truth the strings were becoming a knot too hard to understand. and the work was becoming congested. Which means at least to the reader the strings cannot be enjoyed. A realignment of the titles leads to a new thinking about the comics and the number of titles. Could the work become a single title and provide a better rope once a week? With the support of finding the path on the older website of away-ink, it was where the titles came from join the website of Inked Path of Comics to see that title reset to a single formatted comic today. Away-Ink becomes a comic, and it Joins with the still-standing titled comic strips of Late to the Party, Used or Not, Puzzlement, and The Clone Did It. as a single collective comic.
A border
Late to the party
A what?
There is a lot to unpack in the yarn from the form of work to being home and finding the big bird.
Oh, sorry, have a work from home job.
The rest is basic.
Obscurity 1: The day is starting a new like the others before this day, have gone away.
Obscurity 2: Is it to Refer to a new start or reboot to the method of thinking today?
Obscurity1: A narrative can be changed in a stringing of lines that does need to take place. Otherwise, twisted strings only become a knot to be had.
Obscurity 2: A restart typically involves beginning anew, often discarding the previous continuity to start from a fresh point. This can be seen in various forms.
Obscurity 1: The format of things shifted and twisted to look like the old and yet feel like the new. A fiefdom of many becomes a single more controlled fiefdom to present a balanced set of lines to be followed with only a few ponderings of a mind.
Obscurity 2: Then a new placement of the work is to take place for the day.
Obscurity 1: A way of giving a new shine to the work. And the controlled placement of the change allows things to be twisted in a way that moves the work forward.
Obscurity 2: Then travel in time and set the missteps of the given path to a new way.
Obscurity 1: Erase the work already done. Now knowing the path is needed, and the stated way is the wrong way to enliven what is there.
Obscurity 2: Mindful of the continuity and the strings tied to the characters. But does this impact the strings that are moving?
Obscurity 1: A change of the settings need not destroy everything. At this time, an inkling on the frames is still set while there are blooms still given. Another untrained changed the boded path that was set and the panel decided to furl into a tangled mess now the palooka was set by the trained to avoid the mess from escaping like the first.
Jon: Oddly, the conversation is deeper. Why the extra bit this day?
Obscurity 1: Well, to tell the truth, the path of the day only started to have a fun start to it like a blank mind when it should be attentive to the small things.
Jon: Looks like there is still shining to be had.
Jon: Going into the office this morning for a meeting about the cages at work. How will that affect the ongoings here? And something about a star passing away at the end of all this a show to calm the cages at OEB.
Jon: Going into the office this morning for a meeting about the cages at work. How will that affect the ongoings here? And something about a star passing away at the end of all this a show to calm the cages at OEB.
Terry: Work wasn’t there to be paperwork delivered by mail and that’s it.
Jon: No, why, would. Still have to go to the offices at OEB, it’s in the contract. It wasn’t read in full just signed.
Terry: Not exactly every word of the contract was read. Better to say skimmed and the normal parts skipped.
Terry: Has this walk happened before?
Jon: Stop with the DeJa’Vu gab, for now, the paperwork has been finished, and the boardroom meeting is going to be around the extras for the store.
Terry: Extras, of what kind?
Jon: Why have the meeting if everything is just spilled here and not in the boardroom?
Terry: To be more sound and not risible in a comment against the extras.
Jon: At least there was education retained in the last walk.
Is this the room for Working in a safer place PowerPoint death?
Terry: Nope, this is calming the cages. The other is down the hallway.
OH! sorry.
Jon: What is with the framing being changed in the show?
Terry: Hosting to the comics’ same thing.
Jon: Nope, it will be the comics and no host. Well, the host becomes a comic.
Terry: Good, the work should be eased because of the change.
Jon: The hand wave trick just looks kind of messy cause the eyes are not used to it.
Terry: Easy to say a trick but the work and paperwork to get that done is different. Lage is being killed off according to the board here. The movie Sheriff bonkers storyboards from older comics for production.
Jon: skim these papers too.
Executive: Sit and read the papers being passed about, please.
Terry: Same as the ones on the board?
Executive: Another meeting is taking place to help with New safety regs for the workplace. The changes will affect the store a bit as the cleaning of the cages here will be added to the cycloramas there.
Terry: What pets are being taken from the cages here?
Executive: While the cage is referenced as “Away Forward” and filmed from the store. Has it been noticed that the shadows are gaining names?
Jon: Yes, thought it would be a common thing to start connecting that way.
Executive: There is a reason for the connections being made and that could be it. After a bit, a need arises to clean the cage of the extras. The Title of “La Tinta” is to be a clean compressed act of some odd movie and a dream journal. The ladder part will be remade into a show featuring the puppets with a drama play of the dreaming.
Jon: Wasn’t that becoming the focus of the La Tinta?
Executive: Yes, but the routine of the extras in that way could be devastating to the pets if the characters are not built for it. The two make comments and poke fun.
Terry: Not a good recipe for constant deaths.
Executive: While a good use of a simile try not to use those going forward. The extras be killed off in a few ways or frozen to become pets sold from the store.
Jon: Sounds easy?
Terry: What about the puppet show? And the extras at the store.
Executive: The same process. A deep string through Cohen of death. Where the extras die, and the cyclorama is cleaned freeze the pets if they survive outside of Vendor, Jane, Tony, and Cohen.
Terry: How does it all work out then strings and lines slow pacing was the format of the comics.
Executive: that thinking is kind of still there just comic versus the daily grinding amount that kind of got lost.
Jon: The show of Empiric and the puppets how does it play out for the work?
Terry: Not skipping the questions.
Executive: These should answer both. Of the questions posed. The empiric takes the dreaming more rounded instead of the hiding conversation that is currently set. The puppets play it out after that to bring the point home. Then the other presented parts.
Terry: Each puppet gets a big pop in the work. Like a talk show stage or picnic type of setting.
Executive: Yes
Amongst the frames
The meal was done.
Steel: With food eating. The next lesson can be taken.
Steel UGH! That is so foul.
Old man: burp.
No: Nope, that is foul and needs a window.
Steel: Is there a crow and spider talking?
No: Is John controlled without a door?
Steel: That was the lesson earlier for the foot tap.
No: The foot? Wasn't it the finger? Steel? Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Steel: Just. Wait.
No: Hey. Hey. Hey.
Steel: Watching birds.
No: Well, the answer is easy, it focused and unfocused for the win.
The Clone Did It
Set the pieces in place.
Jenny Homes: Hi there, the name is Jenny Homes.
Cook: good name. Burt or Cook is just fine. What can be done to help?
Homes: Need accommodations while staying in Baby Lake.
Cook: Across the street and three doors down are the most used. If hoping for less foot traffic, then here is a newspaper. Could something else to be found?
Homes: What is the best-made dish for this place?
Cook: That will be out soon.
Lisa Canox: Think the basketball player lost something?
Ted Canox: Nope, look fish going to school.
Lisa: Fish don’t need to be trained.
Sorry to bug. Were there a few people walking down the path that way?
Lisa: A…
Ted: Stop. Stranger at this point. Hi, sorry youth and teaching.
No worries.
Ted: Lisa. Were there people seen walking that way?
Lisa: Yes, earlier. Why could that not just be said?
Enjoy that lesson. Thanks for the information.
Ted: What song did the class sing?
Lisa: Stranger danger… Oh, that’s why?
Ted: Yes.
Richard Avant: Time to get the case file set.
Here, the fingerprint yields a result. Rachel Losi is the missing person. The person last known to meet was Julian Roselion at Shadow Park, according to the aunt when called. Enjoy this already-started file.
Amila Leap: So, nothing from the bench and the phones has the first lead.
Avant: Sad to say that’s the truth.
Before taking leave of the diner.
Homes: Yes.
The phone pinged another 3463 codes for the BIA scanner.
Homes: And that would be?
Cook Missing person.
Avant: May need to slow things down a bit cause that name carries a lot of weight to it.
Leap: Questioning of a banner family should hold no bearing.
Avant: It does. It also holds a massive misstep if the questions are not worded the right way.
Leap: Too far and lose the only lead and shad it too much it brings the law.
Used or Not
A moment to think of the scattered pieces.
The quibbles of the scribbles
Bessie: It is Nice to see a change in the work and get a whole new feeling from it.
Bard: The comics no longer have ads. Puzzlement to the rescue for the confusion of an advert too random though so much fun.
Dusty: A bit overly joyful for new work.
Bessie: Wasn’t nice to see new cards being presented for the work.
Dusty: Yes, the change of the comics to one is more interesting than a single piece of the work.
Bard: Right there but kind of focused in on the show with Empiric.
Empiric: Yeah, how is it a loss of one job to make it a bigger job that’s the same?
Dusty: how to keep the pay down only allowed to be just over brook. But the focus was on the part of frozen pets.
Bessie: Yeah, that part of the conversation needs to be explained a lot. Cause sounds like no fun killer puppets through dreams.
Brad: Don’t know about that Puppet Killer is a horror comedy film that has gained a following among fans of the genre. It features a psychotic puppet stalking high school students during a Christmas celebration at a cabin in the woods, referencing various horror movie icons. Horror comedy film about a psychotic puppet stalking high school students during Christmas. Puppet combos game series featuring homicidal killers inspired by horror film slashers, including a psychotic puppet. Fans of horror comedies and references to classic horror films are likely to enjoy Puppet Killer.
Empiric: La Tinta would be that. The be done is dreaming words like the journal entries. Changed to around store portrayed by the puppets.
Dusty: mean more work yeah. To the reader this far
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