Inked Path: The details are debated.

Inked Path: The details are debated.



Logic turns to

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  away-ink

Empiric: The true meaning of a dream symbol is often deeply personal and can only be fully understood through the dreamer's associations and experiences. But for a show playing on the themes of dreams to bring drama to life now, it can be contradictable if that's right or offering of logic was framed in the right way. A bull takes center stage for this play. A machine bull sits on stage in the color black.

Bessie: Howdy! To the readers. Got to tame the bull before the start, While getting ready let Empiric Give the lesson of bull and puppet.

Empiric: The symbolized meaning in a dream about a large black bull often symbolizes power and authority, indicating a sense of personal power and the need to assert or take control of a situation in waking life. There is a second meaning for bulls also represent competitiveness, aggression, and stubbornness, reflecting feelings of frustration or a lack of support in certain struggles. Bessie, ready to ride?

Bessie: Yes, how about the meaning of puppet?

Empiric: The term for puppet is something else for dream and trust it’s understood. Dreaming of puppets usually implies anxiety about being controlled by some force, and it may also represent a fear of persecution or a feeling of being manipulated. What fun to have polar opposites in meaning for the show.

Inked Path: The details are debated.

Inkle: Pause the show, please?

Terry: What? Has yet to even get going.

Inkle: The use of the device was restricted in the Away Forward ca…cyclorama, right?

Vaticinator: It was.

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  away-ink

Inkle: The two had had no restrictions. Why would that be?

Terry: At the start of the device the usefulness outweighed the problems. Then the problem grew to be more than usefulness, and the last two were placed in the cage at OEB. And the tech was slowly phased out of the main Orb by placing the device in restricted capacity for use.

Mitchel: A controlled measure.

Terry: It was a needed measure to keep the orb. The circulation of information was too fast.

Mitchel: Can be understood just ask Vat about the quickness with a maze that had to be changed with the versatile way of reading the wind.

Vaticinator: VAT! Is not the name. The name is Vaticinator.

Mitchel: What forbode thinking of training is added.

Vaticinator: The intimation of the wind can pose a problem that needs only misguided before the changes that need not be seen.

Inkle: At least with the device’s quietness was more enjoyed. Confiscatory problems to the side. The two could be used for strings to be delivered to the customers. And instead of the single-toned walls there the booth of art could be used for a bit more.

Vaticinator: Hackney, for the art booth to stay underground and not grow too big. Since cards were to be made place the order to be massively oversized.

Inkle: Yes, along with a controlled group to give the needed options for improvement of the strings going forward.

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  away-ink

Terry: Got to be said, going to be a great experience building trust with the smartest.

Jon: Alrighty, now that the new team can speak to each other and a new business plan is in place.

Terry: What of the cyclorama?

Inkle: Yes, what of those?

Vaticinator: Finally, a point of order.

Jon: The cycloramas are frozen. Once on frozen there will need to be a message going forward that shapes the ideas being said in the right way, but how does the context and framing of that stay in the right way?

Vaticinator Context refers to the surroundings, circumstances, environment, background, or settings that determine, specify, or clarify the meaning of an event or other occurrence.

Terry: With the idea that Inkle and Vaticinator have floated in for the string. How would the work? It provides the broader environment in which information or events are situated, helping to shape interpretation.

Jon: Differences between those can be easy to understand. But the need for the two cycloramas is to be cleared of the extras. Allowing the calming effect.

Inkle: Would leaving two ants there be possible?

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  away-ink

Terry: What is an ant?

Vaticinator That would be off-topic and for another time.

Jon: Why?

Inkle: The conversation boils down to three points which are as follows.

Scope: Context is broader and encompasses the overall environment and background, while framing is more focused on the specific presentation and packaging of information.

Function: Context helps to set the stage and provide a backdrop for understanding, whereas framing actively shapes and influences the interpretation of specific information.

Application: Context is often used to understand the broader implications and background of an issue, while framing is used to influence specific decisions and perceptions.

These three points need help to be applied. The ants go unseen by the two and can allow the wanted message to go unchanged.

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  away-ink

Vaticinator: Plants are used in a way forward. All though framing, on the other hand, is a more specific concept that involves the way information is presented or packaged to influence how it is perceived and interpreted.

Mitchel: So, using the two as a focus group to improve the strings. Would be given the artwork and asked for a review through the device the two have. As a way of offering new or needed pushes of information in the subtext of the requested. This way needed context stays on point by taking over the company and asking for reviews.

Terry: the images could be presented that way and using the news too…

Inkle: Is that of the Line of Head News? It has a form of confusion that should be left alone and gives cover for the other things.

Mitchel: For example, the context of a String for the customers might include the historical and the political climate. Framing can be seen as a subset of context, but it focuses on the specific mechanisms used to shape perceptions. For instance, a news article about a policy can be framed as a solution to a problem or as a cause of a problem, depending on the language and imagery used. The news could be a proclivity that adds confusion to that.

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for away-ink

Vaticinator: Yes, the confusion could be helpful. Keeping the cycloramas in check and this setting can help keep the desired context to each respective cyclorama. Good to know the reason.

Mitchel: So, what is the next part of the show?

Terry: Oh! Right the pause. Almost forgot that was on.

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  away-ink

Bessie: in the show tonight the words of star, bar, bottle, and others can be pulled from the film. But instead of a traditional pilot a look to passed memory to the pass of Jobo Lage. With the work done for a film that is said to be the breakout film in the career. While the opening is quite do be fooled. Be the guessing game that plays out even in the still of the words. 

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  away-ink
Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  away-ink


Finding the images

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  puzzlement


Used or Not

The Office

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  used or not
Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  puzzlement

2nd piece of the puzzlement


The Clone Did It

The details are debated.

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for the clone did it

Richard Avant: Thanks for allowing the proper process.

Annarella Lionrose: Welcome. Please be seated Julan will be a long shortly. The process is just fine but why was the fingerprint pulled?

Amila Leap: With the park's state, no leads other than the fingerprint were found.

Annarella: Nothing was found from the state of the park meaning. It was?

Leap: From the call Losi Was left by or near the bench. Expanding…

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for the clone did it


Leap: From there, no footprint or other indications show. Near the bench or round the track. As if all trackable marks were erased.

Annarella: And since the call was made. It gave a perduring path for the case file.

Avant: Yes, sorry for taking the way the unseen reporting which was thought to be when using the payphone.

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for the clone did it

Julan Lionrose: To be honest. No way to report without being found out.

Annarella: Now provide a statement and try not to be a writer.

Julan: The morning hours before school taking to the track with Rachel was becoming commonplace. It was in the name of improving performance for track and field. Shadow Park's lopsided track proves the best way to…

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for the clone did it

Julan: Better run times. Though not a needed part of this string. Rachel would normally be early but was late today and was also assumed to leave early only to see a splash of water. When coming from around the building after getting water. Which was odd cause the bottle was filled before running the track.

Avant: A splash of water? Was it in line to the bench or elsewhere?

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for the clone did it

Julan: The Bench.

Leap: was there water near or around the bottle like a hole was in it?

Julan: Didn’t check the ground the bottle top was loosened, but it was hanging from the bench.

Leap: Was the bottle near any effects?

Julan: No all that was in a bag on the bench on the opposite side.

Avant: When the bag was retrieved from the bench were any marks noticed on the ground, or were the effects of Rachel’s seen anywhere?

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for the clone did it

Julan: Come to think of it at the start of the run Rachel was huffy. A spat with the aunt had the two running late and Rachel left the bag in the car in the rush.

Leap: Where would Rachel park?

Julan: No car Rides with the aunt That works at the dockside in shipping.

Annarella: Now that there are answers to give paths. May the day be kind.

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  puzzlement

3rd piece of puzzlement

Late to the party

The reason for today

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  late to the party

A snaking sidewinder started by a rattlesnake, okay.

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  puzzlement

4th piece of puzzlement

  Amongst the frames

What is the spider doing?

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for amongst the frames

Steel: The bird is sitting there talking to a spider.

No: Why would a spider and crow be friendly enough to talk?

Steel: Plotting a way for the bird to return the spider to the cabin.

No: So, now the spider is the one banished earlier.

Steel: Yes, and that same spider is a lining with a force. Just to find a new way into the cabin.

No: How does the plot go?

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for amongst the frames

Steel: Once upon a twisted web there was a nest of baby spiders waiting for the breeze to begin the life of an operative. It's the lifelong mission to catch flies in the webs the artisans are born to make.

No: Do go on.

Steel: Only. One. Spider decided to stay behind as the others floated away. It had a feeling that the cabin was the needed place for it to be and through an open window, it finds a home to stay. Bad dusting left the home be till the freeze.

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for amongst the frames

Steel: Well, this was until a bunny takes over a scarecrow that is. Now tossed away and seeing the shell that once held the home the spider known. A return home needed a friend for a fiendish framing of actions to form in a fundamental falsifiability of the bunny's form.

No: What?

Steel: The Spider is looking to undo the work done by No.

No: But it was done, and it's known how does it go away?

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  puzzlement

5th piece of puzzlement

the quibbles of the scribbles closing image

The Quibbles of the Scribbles

Jon: What is the part?

Terry: It's the part where the puppets talk. By comments normally?

Dusty: Yes. Why the extra two?

Jon: guess since the comic for Away-Ink is going to be starting Bessie and Empiric this needs help.

Bard: Hmm…What of the two or Cohen, Tony, Jane, Vendor?

Jon: selective reading seems to be a problem. Those are frozen in time.

Dusty: Well, at least it was freezing not warming.

Bard: Why?

Dusty the string may have lost the grip and been lost.

Bard: only cause the strings to a slow and steady.

Terry sadly the reason for the changes is no win’s low views. So, a new way to play in Away-ink is coming just need to brainstorm some more with the other three.

Bard: glad it was only kind of lost then.

Dusty: for today it a wrap for the week so to the readers this far…Thanks for the time and reading. Help support the work below. With the link for the book or read the other entries.

Inked Path: The details are debated. The entry for  puzzlement

6th piece of puzzlement

Co: Inked Path is a set of comic pages that will soon run everyday. Post are being worked for the week. As for the The Path is found is up and running as a gallery of the comic strip Away Forward Ink the Path. which one of the titled comics here

Away Forward Ink the Path (3)

La Tinta (1)

Used or Not (1)

Late to the Party (1)

Puzzlement (1)

The Clone Did It(2)

Amongst the frames (2)

No Tapping (1)

when all is done the gallery will act as time times for the titles.

Inked path: See the crow. Just out there by the scare?